The priority of the Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub is to provide wellbeing support to all of our staff and beyond. If you work in a health and care environment, and are experiencing feelings that are difficult to cope with, our mental health workers are here to support you now and find the extra help that is right for you.

Since the start of the Hub back in 2021, during the height of the pandemic, more than 2,000 people have been reached through episodes of consultation to assist partner organisations, and more than 600 referrals have been made to the 1:1 psychological therapy service.

Please read the below resources to see how the Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub can support you:


Annual Report 2023/24

The West Yorkshire Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub annual report provides an overview of the work done by the Hub from 2023 to 2024.

The West Yorkshire Hub is the only known hub in England to secure permanent funding for ongoing support for the staff and volunteers within the Health and Social Care Partnership.

This year, the Hub’s Critical Incident Staff Support Pathway has grown in capacity  to a network of over 100 CrISSP facilitators available to support staff following emotionally challenging and potentially traumatic events.

This annual report presents the continued efforts and work that have been achieved.

Read the Hub annual report.

Annual Report 2022/23

The West Yorkshire Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub annual report provides an in-depth overview of the work done by the Hub from 2022 to 2023.

The Hub has remained operational and has grown despite uncertain funding. It has now achieved permanent funding from the West Yorkshire ICS.

The therapy service has increased its uptake and capacity from 514 referrals since we last reported, to 825 referrals to end of March 2023. It has offered a total of 4,523 therapy sessions.

A total of 12 Schwartz Rounds have occurred this year with average attendance growing.

Read the annual report here.

For a deck of flashcards that provide an overview of the 2022/23 annual report, download here.

Annual Report 2021/22

The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing annual report provides an in-depth overview of the work done by the Hub from January 2021 - March 2022.

Since January 2021, the West Yorkshire Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub has played a key part in helping almost 1000 people find the support they need to stay mentally and emotionally well. This report gives us an insight into the ways that the Hub has helped people and shares the Hub’s 5 Big Ambitions for the next phase of its work as it becomes a key element in the Partnership’s People Programme.

Read the annual report here.

University of Leeds report

The West Yorkshire Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub team came together in January 2021 and formally launched in April 2021. Our Hub, unlike most others is fully embedded within the Integrated Care System (ICS) partnership. As one of the Clinical Leads on the team of this new and important initiative, Dr Kerry Hinsby, formally evaluated the impact of the work, captured the learning and tried to understand the benefits and challenges of our innovative positioning of the Hub in the wider system.

Read the University of Leeds report here.

Joint evaluation report

This report presents some of the findings from a partnership project between the West Yorkshire Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub and the Humber, Coast and Vale Resilience Hub.

Please read the evaluation of the cultural, systemic, and relational impact of the resilience hub with key stakeholders here.

Barriers and enablers to accessing support services offered by staff wellbeing hubs: A qualitative study

International efforts have been made to develop appropriate interventions to support the mental health needs of healthcare professionals in response to COVID-19. However, fewer staff have accessed these than expected, despite experiencing elevated levels of mental distress since the onset of the pandemic. Consequently, we aimed to examine the barriers and enablers for healthcare professionals in accessing interventions offered by a Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub.

From the outset the West Yorkshire Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub has worked to be as accessible as possible to everyone working in health and care in West Yorkshire – including volunteers. Working with an expert team at the University of Leeds, this recently published article builds upon the existing literature and summarises what our staff and volunteers have told us is important to shape the Hub.